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Song Writing Tips

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

Hey, everyone, it’s Dj International Wigg so why is songwriting so important? Because you capture your listeners and gain fans also it can touch people in my ways. Below I have 4 tips that I find useful to writing hooks. Check out my video as well.

1. SET UP A PLACE AT HOME TO WRITE As simple as it sounds, having a place to go where you can focus and be creative can be motivating. Even if it’s just a small desk and chair in a corner of your living room, the fact that you’ve dedicated it to your art will serve as that little push you might need to write. Keep your writing tools – rhyming dictionary, guitar, laptop, etc. – out and easily accessible. It’s amazing what a difference putting your guitar on a stand versus keeping it in a case can make. Make things as easy as you can for yourself and you’ll be much more likely to dig in.

2. SET UP A TIME OF DAY TO WRITE Routine can be a good thing even for something as artistic and creative as songwriting. If, for example, you know that every day at 7 pm, you’re going to write for half an hour, then you’re more likely to do it. They say it takes a few weeks of consciously making yourself do something before it becomes a habit. A daily time to write will go a long way towards the healthy habit of songwriting.

3. KEEP A FILE OF UNFINISHED SONGS One of the hardest things about writing is starting with a blank page. By keeping an organized file of your unfinished lyrics and rough recordings, you won’t have to climb the mountain from the bottom every time you sit down. While sometimes it feels good to start with a fresh idea, don’t forget to check your unfinished ideas from time to time. It’s remarkable how a few days or weeks can add the perspective you need to see a partially finished song in a new light and finish it.

4. FIND A CO-WRITER Nothing motivates more than accountability. If someone is counting on you to show up and work, you’re more likely to do it. Not only that but having the burden can make writing a much more approachable pursuit. This is one of the many benefits of co-writing. Other advantages include having someone whose songwriting gifts complement your own in such a way that you both get a better song than you would have separately. If you haven’t co-written yet, this is as good a time as any to give it a try. Even if it’s not a perfect experience, we all benefit from observing firsthand someone else’s writing process.

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