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This website was created by Keyline Productions

Spotlight on Joslyn Wood

Please meet Joslyn Wood. She’s the epitome of kindness.

I wanted to spotlight her because she has been doing and does amazing things within the community. She has a long list of accomplishments and credits to her name. Not only is she a teacher and a realtor, but some of her impressive accomplishments include: she’s the founder of Ellipsis, has a masters degree, gotten a certificate from attending classes at Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, Yale and Cornell and plans to get a certification from every Ivy League school. She’s won a NASA award for science, been in several movies, some commercials, and modeled, been Director of Government and Military Affairs for several years by organizing countless events and setting up briefings at the Pentagon and Capital Hill, served on the Executive board for American Red Cross, and served on the executive board for the Association of the United States Army. Just to name a few. She’s also going to do her first lead role in my upcoming movie, Burning Down the Walls. When I say this woman has tremendous talent, I mean, she could very well be the next rising star.

I could go on and on about this woman, but I will say that she is extremely generous when it comes to helping strangers, animals and her friends and family. Just by knowing her and being in her presence, she will open up your mind and your heart.

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